PAYTON'S PREDICTIONS: What Kinda Driver Are You

♈ Aries – The Speed Demon

You? Oh, you’re the one who sees a yellow light and hits the gas. Speed limits are just suggestions. You’ve definitely yelled “MOVE" and layed on your horn at someone going too slow.

♉ Taurus – The Defensive Driver

You drive exactly the speed limit, use your turn signals every time, and get irrationally angry when people don’t follow the rules. If someone cuts you off? THEN, it becomes personal now.

♊ Gemini – The Distracted One

Are you driving or hosting a talk show? You’re changing the music, checking your phone, having a full conversation, and somehow still making it to your destination—barely.

♋ Cancer – The Emotional Driver

You’re gripping the wheel like your life depends on it. If someone honks at you? It ruins your day. If you get lost? There will be tears.

♌ Leo – The One Who Thinks They’re in a Music Video

Windows down, volume up, sunglasses on. You’re not just driving—you’re performing. And yes, you will judge people for not knowing the lyrics when you're singing to them after pulling up on them at the red light.

♍ Virgo – The Road Rebel

People think Virgos are responsible, but not you. You’re speeding everywhere, refusing to use maps because you “know a better way” (you don’t), and getting irrationally frustrated at slow drivers. Your gas light? It’s always on. And somehow, you’re either getting a ticket or dodging one every other month.

♎ Libra – The Indecisive One

Are you turning left or right? No one—including you—knows. You miss exits constantly, then get mad at yourself for it. And your car? Questionable.

♏ Scorpio – The Road Rage Driver

You will stare down the driver who just cut you off. You don’t honk often, but when you do, it’s personal. Your RDF… your resting driving face? Terrifying.

♐ Sagittarius – The Wild Card

You don’t use GPS—you just figure it out. Speed bumps? You barely slow down. If people in the car scream, you say, “Relax, I got this.” When no one will ever be relaxed with you behind the wheel.

♑ Capricorn – The One Who Treats Driving Like a Business Trip

You drive like you’re on a mission. Hands at 10 and 2, GPS set, no nonsense. If someone’s in your way? You sigh dramatically but keep it professional.

♒ Aquarius – The “I Know a Shortcut” Driver

You swear you know a back way that’ll save time. Spoiler: It doesn’t. You also refuse to park in normal spots—you’re the one squeezing into the weirdest, most inconvenient spaces.

♓ Pisces – The Daydreamer

You completely zone out while driving and suddenly realize you’re 10 miles past your exit. You also forget where you parked all the time.

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